Know the process For Farmers
Doing Digital

Ergos’s on ground operations are backed by a comprehensive tech platform which assists the end to end process and operations, starting from farmer on-boarding to final sale. The end-to-end process of capturing farmers’ data, booking warehousing space, sale of grains or availing credit happens digitally on the Ergos Live platform. Farmers can easily access their digital inventory, check the current offer price and make transactions on them with just one click or call.

Farmers can book warehousing space beforehand and approach the Grainbank nearest to the farm, their grains are inspected for quality and they receive a warehouse receipt specifying details such as weight, grade etc. of their produce. Ergos accepts single quality of grains, i.e. all stored grains are of uniform quality making the stored grains fungible. Fungible nature of stored grains allows Ergos to aggregate supply and deliver the best possible price for the farmers. Moreover, at any given point, the farmer is free to avail credit against his produce or withdraw even a single bag of grains for personal consumption.